Saturday, December 23, 2006

My favorite Haiku (for now)

My all-time favorite, written during a three-hour marathon session sponsored by the H.R. department on the topic of "Hiring for Talent". It featured, among other things, a fill-in questionaire on the topic that we all had to read aloud.

Bang bang bang bang bang
Bang bang bang bang bang reload
Bang bang bang bang bang

A "brainstorming" session last month produced this one:

There are no answers
There are no questions, either
Meetings are like that

And this one, from a call for manager participation in a company-sponsored community event by the company president (because we're salaried and our time doesn't cost anything):

We're looking for more...
managers to volunteer
to paint kids' faces

Lastly, a little ditty composed in honor of annual evaluations I have to perform on my staff:

Let's enact Sharia Law
Miss deadline, lose hand

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